12 May 2007

Down Hubbert's Peak: Last Phone Message

After the tone, please leave your message…

"Hi, Darling. I've been trying to reach you for hours. With this major rain and windstorm, I'm amazed that the cell phone works at all. But I'm not sure yours is working. I was immediately dumped to voicemail. Maybe you’re trying to reach me.

"You may have heard on the news about the big rockslide on I-5 here in the Siskiyous. The kids and I are fine! Don't worry. We arrived to a small backup about twenty minutes after the rock fell. I suppose a lot more drivers would be waiting if it weren't for the fuel shortages…

"The rain has been unbelievable! It reminded me of a Texas cloudburst, the kind that floods streets in just minutes. Couldn't see ahead at all. Yes, I pulled off until the rain let up--to a downpour, that is. A downpour seemed light in comparison to the deluge! All kinds of mudslides and rock-falls were triggered by the storm. I linked up with a few other drivers who had also stopped during the big rain, and we carefully picked our way through the debris until reaching the massive slide. It's a mess here. I-5 in both directions is buried under a mountain. Gone. I'm guessing days to clear at best.

"Nearly three hours have passed since we stopped at the slide. Apparently the fuel shortages have slowed the arrival of cleanup crews. Everyone is beginning to feel the pinch. Indeed, only two patrol cars have arrived on our side of the rockslide. Can't see what's happening on the north side.

"Right now, I'm just waiting to see what the officers say. Communications are sketchy. Apparently radio repeaters are out. And, as I mentioned, cell phones are a bit finicky out here. Though I have seen the police talking on their cells.

"The kids are currently playing in the car. They've found the slide pretty exciting. I wish I could share their sentiment. The whole ordeal has me stressed! They're getting bored, though. The video games are loosing their luster. I'll have to do something soon.

"I'm thinking about an alternate route. Perhaps west to 101. Maybe. Certainly the coast was pounded. I might have to go further inland, perhaps to 395, and then head north. At least it's too warm for snow!

"Hold it…

"One of the officers is approaching me. Hold on…"

Phhtt, phhtt… Thump, thump, thump…

"This is terrible. Apparently another slide went across the road to our south. We're stuck!

"There're injuries, maybe some fatalities. The officer asked if I had any medical training. Wish I did. Still my car might become an emergency shelter for the wounded. I'll have to go soon.

"The officer also mentioned the possibility of aerial extraction. They didn't know how soon it would come. With the gasoline shortages, and the intensity of the storm, I'm not optimistic. This has me worried.

"One of the police just left. Racing south…"

"Ah, the rain's picking up again. And the temperature has to be around seventy-five! Up here! This is amazing. More and more, the weather seems to be going haywire. Getting soaked… I'm heading back to the car.


"Ah, cripes. The phone's battery is low, too. I'll have to get it charging.


"I'm inside now. The rain's so loud on the roof, it feels like I'm going deaf! Hopefully you can hear me.

"Hold it, Brett. I'm on the phone! Play with your sister.

"Getting a map… Here we go… If an air rescue is unable to arrive, we might be able to get back to Dunsmuir on foot. You know, climb around any rockslides that might be in the way. Might have to stay there awhile. Who knows, they might be happy to have some business, so few people are traveling these days.

"Wow, Corvallis seems so far away now...


"But I'll wait a little longer before acting on that idea. Maybe that air rescue will arrive. Let's hope!

"Just know that we're okay, Dear. I'm not alone out here. We'll put our heads together and figure something out, I'm sure.

"This world seems to be turning upside down quickly, doesn't it? It's hard to believe that just two years ago we took a fun little trip to Hawaii. Energy didn't once occupy my thoughts on that vacation. Now, energy is on my mind all the time. Each day seems to bring yet another crisis.

"The kids are listening. I probably should go. Give this phone a rest. You take care. Know that we're thinking of you. Love you..."

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